About Strength:
These cigars are flavoured by the Volado leaf, especially valued for its combustibility. These gentle tobacco flavours allow for an exploration of delicate aromas.
These cigars are flavoured by the Volado leaf, especially valued for its combustibility. These gentle tobacco flavours allow for an exploration of delicate aromas.
Well balanced cigars that offer much aroma through the Seco leaves. A strong presence of the Volado leaf, means these cigars tend to smoke quite rapidly.
These cigars have blends that are devised to give aroma. The Seco leaf dominates the blend, giving an evenly paced smoke, who flavours will evolve throughout the cigars multiple phases.
These cigars have blends that are devised to give aroma. The Seco leaf dominates the blend, giving an evenly paced smoke, who flavours will evolve throughout the cigars multiple phases.
Full bodied Cuban cigars have blends that are dominated by the Ligero leaves, which gives these cigars a strong tobacco smoke. These cigars tend to be slower burning and offer a very powerful finish.